Pet Travel Tips & Resources

We have reunited a lot of families in our time! We understand that you will have a lot of questions about your pets travel process and we are ready to help you. The tools below will be helpful, but please reach out to our team to discuss the specific details of your big move.

Crate Size Calculator

Crate Size Calculator

It is critical for your pets well-being that they be fitted to the most appropriate travel crate for their journey.

Use the Calculator
Pet travel blog


Share the love! Check out some Pet Express travel experiences, tips, tricks and advice that might be useful for you and your pet.

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pet travel scams

Beware of Pet Travel Scams

Looking for a pet online? Don’t get scammed! Unfortunately pet scams do exist and they can happen to anyone. Learn how to spot a scam and avoid becoming a victim.

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pet travel faq


Pet Express trained and experienced Pet Travel Consultants are happy to answer your questions, address any concerns, and work with you to design and implement a customized transport solution that will be safe and comfortable for your pet, and practical for your family during your relocation.

Frequently Asked Questions

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